What you can get from us?

Gaushala Directory

You can get every information which you want to know about Gaushala. It includes:

Who is managing Gaushala & What are their credentials We manage a complete database of Gaushalas & Their office bearers. They are our heroes and everybody gets to know them.
How many Gauvansh is there with detailed bifurcation It will show how many Gauvansh is with particular Gaushala i.e. Cow, Bull, Calf etc ?. Also, it will show how many of these are healthy & how many are sick ? What is their Mortality Rate ?
What are the yearly expenses & how income is generated to meet out these expenses It will show how much expenses are incurred yearly for each Gaushala & what are sources to meet these expenses i.e. Donation, Government Aid or Sale of Milk & other material etc.
And many more which you want to know before giving donation for Gauseva to any Gaushala.

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