About Us

Shri PItamberdas Kewalram Maheshwari Charitable Trust is established for the sole purpose of supporting Gaushalas spread throughout India by providing detailed information about it. As on date, most of the Gaubhakt are not having detailed information about Gaushala hence they are not attached with them & therefore, they are not contributing to their capacity.

By providing detailed information at one place, Gaubhakt can know about various Gaushalas running throughout India, they can evaluate which Gaushala is having efficient & transparent management, what is their requirement of funds etc. They can join Gaushala which fulfils their criteria.

The Trust is managed by Inderlal P. Maheshwari & Gayatri Maheshwari which will be supported by hundreds of Volunteers at various places. Donations received from public will be 100% utilized in the same year & not carried forward to the next year. Details will be placed in the portal informing utilization of funds. Thus, keeping Vision of transparency.

our vision

To become one of the top communities in the world, that lead by example, helping smaller and weaker gaushalas grow and become self-sufficient, and in turn helping provide a caring and loving atmosphere to the gaumata.

core principles

  • Transparency
    We, as an organization, strive towards providing a transparent structure and value chain so that every cog in this colossal wheel functions smoothly and without any friction of doubt.
  • Empathy
    Empathy is one of the most underrated quality, but for us, it’s one of the most precious principles, and being empathetic only, we can strive to work at our best.
  • Shared Sustainability
    Shared Sustainability helps the gaushalas registering with us learn to trust us and grow and you as a Gaubhakta will trust us that your hard earned money is put to good and appropriate use.

our mission

As a human being, the last few decades have been stressful and void of nature’s grace with the speed of industrialisation and digitization. Our purpose is to find the way back to our roots to try and be in one with nature and bring ‘H’ back in humanity. There are currently more than 10000 Gaushalas running in India. Most of them devoid of proper management and fund utilization without a supervisory body. There is not a single forum which provides complete information about these Gaushalas. Our effort is to get all information about these Gaushalas on one single platform so that Gaubhakta family living anywhere in the world can know about these Gaushalas. And by knowing, help reliable and trustworthy of them to grow, care and nurture these Gaumatas.

To achieve this Mission, we will direct our efforts to getting details of all gaushalas in India, irrespective of their size and geography, so that maximum number of Gaumatas are protected. Gaushalas will be encouraged and coached to be self-sufficient, with professional management, by guiding them to do various activities which generates sufficient income for them. And while achieving this, we wish to garner collective support from all the gaubhaktas spread throughout the world, so that we can all contribute to a better and beautiful future.